Donald Trump posted a bizarre official Christmas Card on Twitter that frankly looks like it was done with Paint on a Windows 95 computer from Radio Shack. And that's not all - he thinks Americans spent more money on Christmas because he was elected.
.@realDonaldTrump Based on pic, seems your endgame to ending War on Christmas was to make yourself God?
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) December 25, 2016
A Christmas Tree, a big orange face, and a really small fist.
— Joe Keene (@joekeene) December 25, 2016
It's truly a Donald Trump Christmas! 🎄👱✊ https://t.co/VPfAhPJGzu
This was Trump's Christmas tweet:
— Cornelia (@PaladinCornelia) December 25, 2016
One lonely looking old white man fisting his tiny fist upward.
Doesn't get much more pathetic than that. pic.twitter.com/spTVs7kXuj
@JentotheDen @tonyposnanski @realDonaldTrump I also love that it's just him, no family, no warmth, just a tiny fist and a tree.
— BreadBitch (@mary_olliff) December 25, 2016
@realDonaldTrump Nothing says: Merry Christmas like a clenched, infantile fist; similar to the fist of tiny baby Jebus. 😂
— (((CPT.BILL KELSO))) (@TrumpsMeltDown) December 25, 2016
From a FB friend. Gets at what's weirdly aggro and off-key about Trump's Christmas photo. pic.twitter.com/Jtqf47ZGe3
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) December 26, 2016
The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2016
donald trump is literally taking credit for christmas now https://t.co/a4EDaqj8xd
— thomas moore (@Thomas_A_Moore) December 26, 2016
Trump claims Christmas spending is up because he won the election https://t.co/AnbuVtiYn6 pic.twitter.com/WYla3aq1Uf
— The Hill (@thehill) December 27, 2016