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Mitt just can't seem to go away. Yes, during the last Presidential debate he did sort-of predict that Vladimir Putin might cause trouble in the future. Duh. But when asked what he would do differently from President Obama about the invasion of Ukraine, he had nothing but sanctions and more sanctions, which is what is happening now. Then along comes White House Press Corps member Jonathan Karl riding posse for Mitt, asking the President to 'splain his Fail, and Obama was having none of it. Epic smackdown!
Transcript of CBS Face the Nation March 23, 2014
Good morning, Governor, and welcome back to FACE THE NATION. During the campaign, and I want to start with this, you took a lot of heat for saying that Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe. In the third debate, the President came down pretty hard on you about that.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2012): A few months ago when you were asked what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America you said Russia. Not al Qaeda, you said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War has been over for twenty years.
BOB SCHIEFFER: I'm sure, Governor, you're tempted this morning to say, I told you so, but do you really believe that what happened in Ukraine had anything to do with what President Obama has or hasn't done?
MITT ROMNEY (2012 Republican Presidential Nominee): Well, there's no question, but that the-- the President's naivety with regards to-- to Russia and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face. And unfortunately not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the President wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria.
. . . BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, we had put on some sanctions now, they don't seem to have done much good. You're saying if we had done it earlier, how-- how actually would we have done that? And-- and are the sanctions they put on now, do we need stronger sanctions?
MITT ROMNEY: Well, let's-- let's step back. I think effective leaders typically are able to see the future to a certain degree and then try and take actions to shape it in some way. And that's, of course, what this President has failed to do and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well. They thought resetting relations with Russia, handing out gifts to Russia would somehow make Russia change its objectives. Well, that certainly wasn't the case.
Had we from the very beginning of the demonstrations in Crimea, excuse me, in-- in Ukraine, had we worked with our allies and said, look, let's talk about the kinds of severe sanctions we would put in place if Russia were to decide to move and had we then communicated that to Russia beforehand, not put in place the sanctions, but communicate, look, Russia, stand down here. Don't you think about grabbing territory or these are the things that will have to happen. These are the actions we will take. And by the way, Russia, we're not going to interfere with your base in Sevastopol and so forth. Had we communicated those things there is always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own?
Transcript Via RealClearPolitics
JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS: Mr. President, thank you. In China, in Syria, in Egypt, and now in Russia we've seen you make strong statements, issue warnings that have been ignored. Are you concerned that America's influence in the world -- that your influence in the world -- is on the decline? And in light of recent developments, do you think Mitt Romney had a point when he said that Russia is America's greatest geopolitical foe, if not Russia, who? And Mr. Prime Minister, do you think these sanctions will change Vladimir Putin's calculation? Or cause him to back down. Where do you see a Russian red line where if they go any further, into Eastern Ukraine, into Moldova, when would options beyond sanctions have to be considered?
BARACK OBAMA: I think if the premise of the question is that whenever the United States objects to an action and other countries don't immediately do what we want, that that's been the norm, that would pretty much erase most of twentieth century history.
. . . Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors, not out of strength but out of weakness...
. . . The fact that Russia felt compelled to go in militarily and lay bare these violations of international law indicates less influence, not more.
Mitt Romney Returns and Attacks President Obama For Not Having Psychic Abilities via @politicususa
— Steve Wallace (@Stwallace23) March 23, 2014
Mitt Romney expressed concern about the President's foreign policy. Apparently, he has money hidden in lots of those countries...
— Paul Lander (@paul_lander) March 25, 2014
If Mitt Romney could see the future so well, why didn't he see himself losing the presidency twice?
— Liberal Librarian (@Lib_Librarian) March 25, 2014
Mitt Romney Would Have Admonished This Putin Fellow To Stop His Jackanapesing And Tomfoolery At Once
— Wonkette (@Wonkette) March 24, 2014
Mitt Romney: "My solution to the Ukraine Crisis is exactly like Obama's, except I would have sanctioned Russia during the Olympics."
— clydetheslyde (@clydetheslyde) March 23, 2014
Jonathan Karl auditioning to be press secretary on Mitt Romney's next presidential campaign.
— Libido Shuffle (@eclecticbrotha) March 26, 2014
@eclecticbrotha At press events, Jon Karl always looks like he's going to report Obama for being late to homeroom.
— David McLemore (@dave_in_sa) March 26, 2014
Jon Karl ABC: Is Mitt dreamy Mr. President? I think he is. Can we revisit debate zingers?
— Sean McCabe (@darthstar99) March 25, 2014
Jon Karl, ABC was the guy who wrote fake emails about Benghazi. So we know where he is coming from @Lawrence
— AnnaB (@azannaphx) March 26, 2014
Jon Karl, ABC was the guy who wrote fake emails about Benghazi. So we know where he is coming from @Lawrence
— AnnaB (@azannaphx) March 26, 2014
What Jon Karl did today wasn't 'tough journalism.' He was brand building by feeding the right-wing noise machine.
— Angelo Carusone (@GoAngelo) March 26, 2014
Jon Karl is a regional powerless reporter who asks questions out of weakness rather than strength. @Freefree0Bobbie @jonkarl
— AAmom (@AVD911) March 25, 2014
Mr President If a woodchuck could chuck wood how much wood could a woodchuck chuck BENGHAZI!!!! #JonKarlQuestions
— Lupita wannabe (@Xultar) March 25, 2014
@Xultar @word_34 @setislady @jonkarl Could not believe the audacity, transparency, stupidity.
— Marilyn Bush (@marilynrbush) March 25, 2014
Try again, Jon Karl. #hack
— David Pleasant (@dpleasant) March 25, 2014
Shorter PBO to RW Arsehole Jon Karl: Foreign Policy is nuanced and complex and cannot be reduced to an RNC memo.
— aspirational12 (@aspirational12) March 25, 2014
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