Monday, July 1, 2013

Jim DeMint Pushes Vaginal Probe "Opportunities"

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From NBC News - Meet the Press
Jim DeMint: Cases like the Philadelphia abortionist that shows the horrendous conditions in these clinics that have actually killed women -- I mean, if we're talking about women 's health, we need to consider that. But now two-thirds of americans believe that after a baby's heart is beating and they can feel pain that they need some protection. So I'm glad to see a lot of states like Texas and Arkansas begin to consider this. and the more the ultrasounds have become part of the law where a woman gets the opportunity to see that there's a real child, it's beginning to change minds. and i think that's a good thing. it's time that the 3,000 babies we lose every day have some people speaking um for them.

Rachel Maddow: Women don’t ‘get the opportunity’ with ultrasound, the ultrasound bills are mandated by the state. So if a woman does not want an ultrasound, or if her doctor does not want her to have an ultrasound, if an ultrasound is not medically indicated, the state government is stepping in and saying: ‘You must have this ultrasound by order of the state government.’ In a lot of these what is being mandated is a vaginal ultrasound, so it’s an invasive, vaginal, forced procedure that a woman cannot say ‘no’ to by order of the state government. And that is all right with you. I understand that you feel that you've got an interest strong enough to override a woman’s desire to not have that happen to her, that you can insist that it does as a legislator. But most American women, I think, are going to balk at that. And if you want to make it a federal issue, I’d say that the Democrats are going to be delighted to have that fight. As Republicans push this further and further and further, it's the Wendy Davises of the world who are going to force you to make your arguments

Jim DeMint: She’s forgetting about the thousands of women who want an informed choice --

Rachel Maddow: They don't have a 'choice.'

Jim DeMint: -- who want the opportunity to get a free ultrasound, which they can get not from Planned Parenthood--

Rachel Maddow: It's not free, it's not a choice --

Jim DeMint: -- but from a lot of these pregnancy centers.

Rachel Maddow: -- it's a mandated procedure


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