Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Paul Manafort Loses His Plea Deal

Robert Mueller has announced that Paul Manafort, one time campaign manager to Donald Trump, has lost his plea deal with the Federal Government for a very simple reason - he lied. He lied and then he lied again and then he lied again. He cannot stop lying, very much like his pal Donald.

Bottom line - Manafort is going to jail for a long time.

And now the election is over, Thanksgiving weekend is over, Trump and his lawyers answering written questions - also over. George Papadopoulos went to jail today, and there are still rumors of multiple indictments from Grand Juries. Roger Stone and his pal Jerome Corsi seemed poised to go to jail. Trump Jr. is just as culpable as Manafort. What will happen next? Stay tuned and make lots of popcorn.

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