Monday, February 29, 2016

Polls and Predictions for Hillary and Bernie on Super Tuesday

Previous Related Posts:


Many pundits predicted a better showing for Bernie Sanders as his campaign moved into South Carolina, and instead Hillary Clinton swept the state in a historic landslide.

I thought it would be fun to compile a list of predictions from the so-called pundits plus Bernie himself on the eve of Super Tuesday. Oh, and Happy Monday Leap Day, too!

Hillary Landslide in South Carolina Primary

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Previous Related Posts:
With Coin-Toss-Gate Berniebros Call Hillary Fraud
Clinton and Cruz Win Iowa Caucus


Hillary was on fire in the South Carolina Primary, getting the majority of Democratic votes in every single county, much to the chagrin of Bernie Sanders and his followers. Originally it was thought that Bernie at least did better with Caucasion folks, but Hillary took away that demographic, too.

And she gave one of the most inspirational speeches of her entire career - must watch! She vowed that "Tomorrow this campaign goes national" as she sails into Super Tuesday in a good place to win big in many states.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

GOP Stuck with Monster Trump

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Previous Related Posts:
Trump Triumphant So Far
Palin Endorses Trump
Trump Misogyny - the Schlong and Short of It
Trump Jumps the Shark with Facism
Trump Gives Helicopter Rides at Iowa State Fair
Trump's Hair and Other Viral Memes


The far-right and their Fox Noise Machine created Trump, and now they know they are stuck with him. If he loses, they lose to the Democrats. But if he wins, they still lose because they have to work with him and kiss up to him forever. There is no way to really win.


Trump Triumphant So Far

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Previous Related Posts:
Palin Endorses Trump
Trump Misogyny - the Schlong and Short of It
Trump Jumps the Shark with Facism
Trump Gives Helicopter Rides at Iowa State Fair
Trump's Hair and Other Viral Memes
First #GOP Primary Debate on Fox
Countdown to Trump Clown Car Debate
Trump Tosses Univision's Jorge Ramos


Donald Trump can't get over himself, and his followers apparently can't get enough of him either. In spite of hopes from both Dems and Republicans that Trump would get tired of parading around as American's next white hope, he has become the nearly undisputed GOP front runner in the Republican Primary for President of the United States. He won the South Carolina Primary last Tuesday, and easily scooped another win in Nevada.

Meanwhile, little Marco Rubio keeps insisting that his second or third place ties with Ted Cruz are actually wins, and that the longer he stays in the race, the more likely he is to accidentally win something. Or something.

Cruz is just crestfallen that his God has forgotten to anoint him King of Merica yet.

Kasich is hanging on by a slim thread of who-knows-what, and doing embarrassing non-Moderate things like banning funding for Planned Parenthood in Ohio, and saying that women "left the kitchen" to vote for him in SC.

Rebublicans and Fox News are starting to panic at what a train-wreck their Primary Convention is going to be, with low-spending rogue Trump slamming everybody - especially the media - while praising himself to the skies.

No matter how horrible Trump is, they love him. Super Tuesday is looming on March 1st and he's expected to walk away with it. And the world watches in horror.

However, let's remember that this is the Primary Season, and in order to win Trump has had to be vicious towards minorities, immigrants and women (not that he minds) and has even attacked the Pope, and they still vote for him. But the fact is, once we pivot to a contest between Trump and Hillary, he just can't win anymore. He will never get the vote from minority groups, LGBT, women, and mainstream liberals. Oh, some ex-Bernie Libertarians may join him since they have vowed to never vote for Hillary, but the rest of us will just need to show up and vote against him, end of story.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jeb Bush and the Big Gun Meme

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I'm sure Jeb Bush thought it would help his failing primary campaign to pander to gun nuts in South Carolina and Nevada when he posted a tweet of a big gun with his name stamped on it in gold letters and the word "America."

And the Twitterverse plus news media gave him what he deserved for such a tone-deaf and ridiculous tweet. What was he expecting? Why would any real Presidential Candidate want the world to think of America as one big gun fight, even if that is the GOP-Doomsday Prepper-Sovereign Citizen-NRA fantasy?

My Tweet:

The Trashing of Malheur by Bundy Militia

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Previous Related Posts:
Cliven Bundy Arrested
Oregon Standoff Ends Peacefully
Bad Week for Ammon Bundy - Busted
Malheur Occupation Enters Third Week
Bundy Militia Invades Oregon

When the Occupation at Malheur Wildlife Refuge was ongoing in eastern Oregon, many watching it unfold speculated that the Bundy Militia were trashing the place. One clue was an interesting video by David Fry, the last holdout. He did a walk-through of one of the Refuge buildings that showed clothing dumped on the floor, rooms in disarray, and an overall sense of chaos after most of the Occupiers fled rather than face the FBI.

From The Oregonian
He (Fry) passed sleeping bags and sheets hanging off beds, and bags gaping open with clothes spilling onto the floor.
The 27-year-old from Cincinnati filmed the shoes, ice chests, garbage and empty cardboard boxes strewn about, and the notebooks and phones left open on beds. Two half-full bottles of liquor sat on a closet shelf as the camera quickly panned the room.
"They didn't even pack their things," says Fry, who has regularly posted video updates from the refuge in the final week of the occupation.
"Thought feds were coming to kill everyone," he wrote in the video's caption, "Waco style."

And earlier there was the now-infamous video of LaVoy Finicum and others prowling through boxes of Burns Paiute artifacts complaining that they were dumped in a storage room where he also found "mouse droppings." Perhaps they were not kept in pristine condition, but they were also not supposed to be handled by the public, and especially not by the Bundy Militia. I hope the police investigation takes an inventory to make sure nothing was stolen or sold by the Bundy Boys and their minions.

In response to Finicum's video, the Burns Paiute issued a statement saying the artifacts were kept "under lock and key" and therefore should not have been tampered with by Finicum.
In response to Finnicum’s accusations of poor storage and treatment of the tribe’s cultural patrimony, Megan Nagle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife spokesperson released this statement to ICTMN:

“We are confident these artifacts entrusted to the Refuge are cared for with dignity and respect.

With the full knowledge and blessing of the Burns Paiute tribe, the Refuge is home to a number of artifacts that have been found on the Refuge during studies carried out to learn more about the history and use of the lands by their ancestors. These artifacts have been curated and stored under lock and key, until the illegal occupants violated the security of the Refuge.

Additionally, there are other artifacts that have been turned over to the Refuge by third parties. Those items were waiting for the discussions to be held between the tribe and the Refuge as to how they should be re-homed. These items were also under lock and key.

For the individuals who have broken into the secure facilities at the Refuge to portray themselves and their actions as anything other than the violation it is, is simply another fabrication.”

The Militia was also seen building a road with a bulldozer on the Refuge, which is sacred ground to the Paiute tribe:

From Guardian UK:
“I feel disrespected that they’re even out there,” said Jarvis Kennedy, the tribal council’s sergeant-at-arms. Kennedy said he was too upset to watch all of Finicum’s video. “It’s like me going through their drawers at their house.”
Tribe leaders and federal officials say the refuge stores confidential documents and thousands of historic artifacts, such as baskets, spears, tools and beads. The refuge is also home to Paiute burial grounds, making the militia’s recent decision to pave a road through the refuge particularly alarming.
“I could go to the Bundys where his grandparents are buried,” Kennedy said. “How would they feel if I drove over their grave and went through their heirlooms?”

So Finicum complained in the video of mice droppings on the artifacts, and the Militia members made a big whooping deal over "cleaning" out the storage areas at Malheur to "improve" the place:

Now Finicum is dead after an encounter with law enforcement, and the rest of the Bundy-ites are sitting in jail in Portland. But according to a court document from the FBI they left behind a legacy of human waste.

That's right - a big pile of poop.

The FBI Evidence Response Team (ERT) began processing crime scenes at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) on February 13, 2016. The government estimates that it will take 21 days for ERT to complete this work. The government’s estimate is subject to change. There are approximately 24structures at the site that must be processed. Tactical teams responsible for initially securing the refuge reported significant amounts of human feces in and around an outdoor camping area. They also reported that living quarters appear to house large food stores that are spoiling. The outdoor camping area is adjacent to or on a particularly sensitivecultural site that may require extensive processing. Occupiers appear to have excavated two large trenches and an improvised road on or adjacent to grounds containing sensitive artifacts. At least one of these trenches contains human feces. The FBI Art Crimes Team (ACT) is processing these sites. Due to the size and nature of the trenches, equipment is being brought to the site to allow ACT to process these sites safely. Finally, firearms and explosive have been found on the site. There are numerous vehicles on the site and the FBI is concerned that vehicles and buildings may be booby trapped.

My Tweet just before they surrendered
with screencap from Fry Video:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Justice Scalia Dies ~ GOP May Never Recover

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The death of Antonin Scalia is "YUGE" for the Presidential Primaries as well as for the fate of our country. He died while President Obama still has many months to go as President, and all Democrats are eager for the conservative Justice to be replaced with someone younger and liberal. However, the Republicans in the Senate including leader Mitch McConnell immediately stated they would not cooperate in confirming a successor to Scalia, once again hoping to obstruct progress for the President.

There are also questions surrounding Scalia's death at a remote shooting ranch in Texas that will feed into the paranoia of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones for years to come. In fact, Alex Jones has already called it a "murder," and implicated the President as somehow involved.

The death was announced just before a GOP Primary Debate on CBS-TV, and from the out-of-control behavior on the stage, it's obvious the candidates were thrown for a loop by the news.

While many in Washington and the legal community strained to say nice things about the dead man, my reaction like many others was "Ding Dong the Bigot is Dead!" There's no point in sugar-coating his life or opinions when he was so quick to attack every possible group in the U.S. and make laws to oppress them.

From the Washington Post
. . . “It wasn’t a heart attack,” Guevara said. “He died of natural causes.”
In a statement Sunday, the U.S. Marshals Service, which provides security for Supreme Court justices, said Scalia had declined a security detail while at the ranch, so marshals were not present when he died. “Deputy U.S. Marshals from the Western District of Texas responded immediately upon notification of Justice Scalia’s passing,” the statement said.

. . . Scalia joined about 35 other people invited by Poindexter, who declined to name the other guests.
Later that day, Scalia went out with the group to hunt blue quail. But “he did not exert himself,” Poindexter said. “He got out of the hunting vehicle, and walked around some.’’
Law enforcement officials said Scalia attended a private party that night with the other guests, and left to go to bed early. But Poindexter said that didn’t seem unusual: All of the guests were tired from traveling to the remote ranch, as well as the day’s other activities. Everyone was in bed by 10 p.m., he said.
. . . The next morning, Scalia did not show up for breakfast. Poindexter at first thought he might be sleeping late, but eventually grew concerned. Late Saturday morning, he and one other person knocked on the door to Scalia’s room, an expansive suite called the “El Presidente.” When there was no answer, they went inside.
“Everything was in perfect order. He was in his pajamas, peacefully, in bed,” Poindexter said.

From RightWingWatch
(Conspiracy Theoriest Alex) Jones said that “this is the season of treason, this is the time of betrayal and we would be fools not to ask the question” if Scalia was assassinated, suggesting that bad actors may have slipped something into the justice’s drink to trigger a heart attack.

Debate Chaos

Conspiracy Theories