RNC Night Three: Introducing Mitt
Clint Eastwood Talks to Empty Chair in Tampa
RNC Night Two: Paul Ryan Center Stage
RNC Opening Night: One Hand Clapping for Lame Speeches
Full Text of Romney's Speech
Mitt Romney gave his best speech of his life tonight and he was upstaged by an empty chair... Ps. The speech was just as wooden
— Hal Sparks (@HalSparks) August 31, 2012
Poor Mitt is trending 5 slots below
— R.A. Roth (@fantagor) August 31, 2012#eastwooding Never work with animals, children and old men who rant at empty chairs.
Expectations were so low for Mitt that a very mediocre speech seemed exceptional. Highly rehearsed. No real substance. Bellicose ending.
— John Dean (@JohnWDean) August 31, 2012
Steve Schmidt: "... It wasn't even the best speech of this convention. But it's the best speech
@mittromney's ever given in his life."
— The Last Word (@TheLastWord) August 31, 2012
Dear America,That speech from Mitt Romney terrified us all.Please don't vote for him.Kind regards,The whole planet.
— Vincent Shaw (@TheShaw2009) August 31, 2012
How many Nations did Mitt Romney declare war on tonight?
— Path2Enlightenment (@Path2Enlighten) August 31, 2012#RNC
And by the way how insane is it that Mitt didn't mention Afghanistan, where America is currently fighting a war.
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) August 31, 2012
Mitt Romney did not mention our troops in Afghanistan at all. Not one word for the 100,000 men and women in service.
— Namaste (@TheOracle13) August 31, 2012#GOPFAIL
That screaming you hear backstage is poor Clint, when they told him Mitt wants U.S.to stay in Afghanistan INDEFINITELY.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) August 31, 2012
War with Iran! Screw the planet! Kill people! Vote Mitt!
— Karoli (@Karoli) August 31, 2012#SheVotes
Walking away from our missile defense commitments? Mitt, The 1950s called. They want their cold war back. OMFG.
— David Weinberger (@dweinberger) August 31, 2012#Romney
Scariest part of Speech: Mitt making fun of Foreign leaders & stopping talk with Iran.The only thing between us and war is Mitt's election.
— Rico Aliers (@ricoinohio) August 31, 2012
Mitt Romney: "I will stand up to Putin. But please don't let Limbaugh shout at me"
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) August 31, 2012#GOP2012#RNCConvention
All I got out of Mitt Romney's speech is that he wants to start a war and that he makes fun of Obama for caring for the earth.
— Princess Bubblegum (@drugfarm) August 31, 2012
Audience laughing at the idea of global warming thkpr.gs/OCMlKM
— ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) August 31, 2012
That laughter after Romney said Obama has promised to slow the rise of the oceans is the sound of ignorance having a great time.
— Hank Thompson (@Hank_Thompson) August 31, 2012#RNC
— Hank Thompson (@Hank_Thompson) August 31, 2012
@ssthrillermob Exactly. No one likes sharks on the porch.
Of course Neil Armstrong's spirit is still with us. Romney converted it to Mormonism this morning.
— Rachel Figueroa (@Jewyorican) August 31, 2012#RNC#GOP2012
Funny, Romney uses Just For Men, which is also the Republican platform.
— Travon Free (@Travon) August 31, 2012#RNC
If being a mom is the MOSTIMPORTANTJOBOMG, where's the family leave policy, Mitt? Where's the support for poor families?
— Jaclyn Friedman (@jaclynf) August 31, 2012#rnc#gop
Ten bucks says we see the iPod playlist before we ever see the tax return.
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) August 31, 2012#RNC
Mitt Romney: "So, in conclusion, my experience in business is better for running this country than Obama's experience being president."
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) August 31, 2012