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GOP Rebranding Shambles: Rep. Fincher R-TN Hates Feeding the Poor
The so-called "Communications Director" for Tennessee GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher, a woman named Elizabeth Lauten or @DCGOPGIRL, decided to give the daughters of President Obama a talking-to about their attitudes, demeanor, and even their clothing choices. The impetus for this came after the girls appeared with their Dad to pardon the White House turkey, during which they looked both bored and embarrassed, as any teenagers would be in such a situation. Maybe these girls are just getting too old to take such a silly tradition seriously. Ya think?
While "outraged" right-wingers decried the girls giving the turkey and Pres. Obama the "side-eye," Ms. Lauten spilled her own thoughts onto her public Facebook. And she didn't just keep it light-hearted, she blamed Michelle and Barack Obama for their appearance, saying the parents of Sasha and Malia "don't respect their positions very much." In effect, she politicized a very non-political situation and used children to make the point that she hates the Obama family. Keep it classy!
Hmm, Ms. Lauten - what do you mean by "respect their positions very much?" As much as you respect the President and First Lady of the United States? Or as much as you respect the children of the President and their right to grow up off-limits to criticism from stupid political hacks like yourself? While I'm sure the racist followers of your boss, Rep. Fincher, are cheering you on, most people with any sense at all would know you are committing career suicide by attacking the President's family on Thanksgiving. But please, proceed. Happy communications to you.
We'll never know what possessed this person to target the Obama girls as opposed to, say, the rather wild daughters of George Bush, known for getting drunk at frat parties. One thing's for sure, Twitter will NEVER let her forget it. For me, Elizabeth Lauten will forever be "Tennessee Turkey Girl."
Of course a few on Twitter came to her defense, because she is a DC insider.
If #ElizabethLauten bullying is crime -> Secret Service. If she needs spiritual tune-up -> @DCMetroChurch. Tweeting @employer -> pile-on.
— Melinda D. Anderson (@mdawriter) November 30, 2014
Never mind that her employer is a public servant paid with our tax money. And therefore we have a right to hold his staff accountable, especially those of us from Tennessee.
This isn’t a monarchy; the mass shaming of @DCGopGirl for her blog post about the Obama kids is creepy. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 30, 2014
But . . .
I am old enough to remember when @daveweigel admonished Melissa Harris Perry that Mitt Romney's children were off limits.
— problem with that (@problemwthat) November 30, 2014
Only in America can a black man become the leader of the free world and still be called a poor role model for his children. #elizabethlauten
— geekgirl (@ggadventures) November 29, 2014
RT @maiysha:
My favorite response to the #ElizabethLauten fiasco yet:
— Candace Brown (@CandaceTX) November 30, 2014
Well I do suppose #ElizabethLauten has just discovered the power of Black Twitter. Apology not accepted...Bye Felicia
— Dr. Lisa Tait (@DrLisaTait) November 29, 2014
#ElizabethLauten should issue a real apology. Not an apology to "all of those she hurt" Apologize directly to First Daughters and parents.
— Melinda D. Anderson (@mdawriter) November 30, 2014
#ElizabethLauten Needs to be fired ASAP!!!! #NoClass
— Bishop Speaks (@BishopSpeaks7) November 29, 2014
#ElizabethLauten meet Toothpaste that's already out of the tube.
— Ron Loren Pitts™ (@RonLPitts) November 30, 2014
Wonder where #ElizabethLauten will move to after @RepFincherTN08 does the right thing & fires her? @DCGopGirl
— Eclectic John (@azmoderate) November 29, 2014
Dear President & Mrs Obama,If Your Children Are Being Criticized By The Likes Of #ElizabethLauten, You're Doing Something Right. @DCGopGirl
— Lnonblonde (@Lnonblonde) November 29, 2014
Wouldn't it be refreshing if SOMEONE in Republican Leadership denounced #ElizabethLauten
— Randy Prine (@randyprine) November 30, 2014
If #ElizabethLauten went on @ABC shed a tear, talked about being attacked on social media, & FEAR she would be a millionaire at week's end.
— TruthBeTold (@Big6domino) November 30, 2014
Anybody know if #ElizabethLauten accused Malia and Sasha of being responsible for Benghazi?
— Damned Liberal (@DamnedLiberal) November 30, 2014
I usually wake up, drink coffee, check email. #ElizabethLauten wakes up, drinks bile, shames President's teenage daughters.
— Cindee Weiss (@C2XE) November 30, 2014
The Art Of Online Apologies And Why #ElizabethLauten Failed Miserably At Hers.
— Kenny Football (@KwikWarren) November 30, 2014
#ElizabethLauten the typical Christian. Do unchristian deeds, then pray away your sins. #FireElizabethLauten, your apology is meaningless.
— Yaucolion (@Yaucolion71) November 29, 2014
Why is it always the ones wanting to force religion on everyone else who seem to have hardest time following it? #ElizabethLauten
— Tina (@trcfwtt) November 29, 2014
Obama has the family GOP hacks like #ElizabethLauten wish they had. That's one reason they hate Obama so much.
— Tina (@trcfwtt) November 30, 2014
Mean People Are Mean! #ElizabethLauten #GOP #WashingtonPost #MaliaObama #SashaObama #BarackObama #MichelleObama
— Randall (Randy) Winn (@rewinn) November 30, 2014
@anniebsider Yes THIS! #FireElizabethLauten #ElizabethLauten must go. #ObamaGirls #bullying
— RillyKewl (@RillyKewl) November 30, 2014
#ElizabethLauten says the Obama girls should be more dignified. You know, like the man who called his wife "Mommy."
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) November 29, 2014
#ElizabethLauten says the Obama girls should behave with more dignity. You know, like these people:
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) November 29, 2014
Dear GOP, as long as the Wasilla Hillbillies are in your midst, please lay off the families of Democrats. #ElizabethLauten @DCGopGirl
— Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) November 29, 2014
Nothing says class like getting into a fist fight. #ElizabethLauten
— Tito Montes (@tito283) November 29, 2014
Funny how we never heard a peep from Rep Fincher's aide when Bristol Palin & the whole Palin clan got in a white trash brawl.
— Cheri DelBrocco (@cdelbrocco) November 29, 2014
Is this a good role model for Sasha and Malia Obama @DCGopGirl? #ElizabethLauten
— maria lia calvo (@MariaLiaCalvo) November 29, 2014
mt @AZTanya: It took prayer for #ElizabethLauten to realize she was rude & hateful. I already knew it without any prayer. #LearnedBigotry
— OBAMA WON, TWICE ! (@SCalaisS) November 29, 2014
@DCGopGirl - A few synonyms for the word class are: decent, gracious & respectable. Get you some! #obamagirls #ElizabethLautenmustgo
— Felicia Williams (@felicialarayw) November 29, 2014
If you were offended by the Obama girls at the turkey pardon, then perhaps living in a nation with more than one Party is too much for you.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) November 28, 2014
@RepFincherTN08 Your 'Comm Director' #ElizabethLauten needs to b fired 4 her blantant attack on the First Children Sasha & Malia. @DCGopGirl
— Stacey Brunt (@bruntofitall) November 29, 2014
OK, makes sense now: #ElizabethLauten's boss, @RepFincherTN08, is a subsidy moocher who hates the poors. @DCGopGirl
— Patrick Bjork (@bjork55) November 29, 2014
My personal tweets:
The "P" in "PR" stands for "Public." #ElizabethLauten is the spokesperson for a politician so she is accountable.
— Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) November 30, 2014
I guess we should thank Jesus that #ElizabethLauten didn't use the word #demon in her criticism of the #Obamagirls
— Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) November 30, 2014
#ElizabethLauten tried to throw red meat to her Facebook followers, but ended up throwing herself to the lions on Twitter
— Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) November 30, 2014
.@DCGopGirl who insulted the #ObamaGirls Works for @RepFincherTN08 Who wants to Starve the Poor
— Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) November 29, 2014
.@RepFincherTN08 thinks #Jesus Hates #FoodStamps but LURVS rich guys who get millions in Agri-Subsidies #ElizabethLauten
— Jeanne K. (@SnarkAmendment) November 29, 2014